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weekly classes


New course starting in March!


wednesday evenings- 6 week course

6 week course starting on the 20th January Wednesday evenings at the Old Parsonage Didsbury, Manchester

dates& further details

Prebooking required!

Time:       Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm

Fee:          Â£72/ 6 x 90 min sessions

Location: The Old Parsonage

                 Stenner Lane

                 Didsbury, Manchester

                 M20 2RQ


monday afternoons- drop- in class

at the Ashtanga Yoga Manchester Studio in central Manchester

Time:       Mondays 3:30-5:00pm 

Fee:          drop in: £10 / 1.5 hr session

                38 King Street West,

                Manchester City Centre, UK


                (just off Deansgate, next to House of Fraser in Manchester City


contact info[at], 07902780511                                         © 2014 by Szilvia Gardian | yoga . pilates . sound | Manchester | Malta

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