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Healthy eating tips from a restaurant

This sign should be at the entrance of every single catering establishment.

Educating the public right at the place where they make their food choices - this is what I call corporate social responsibility.

How many of these rules do you follow?

I admit, sometimes I needed a reminder of point 4- "wait for 20 minutes before reaching for a dessert". However, after reading this I think I will be more conscious about it, I will try to pay attention and change my habit, as the rule doesn't sound that hard to do:)

I found this poster in the canteen of one the offices where I teach yoga. Educating the public right at the place where they make their food choices - this is what I call corporate social responsibility.

This sign should be at the entrance of every single catering establishment.

I love that it gives the message: eating healthy doesn't mean you have to give up everything you enjoy. They don't try to make you feel guilty if you don't follow everything they say. But if you would like to make a change they are there to help you with professional expert advise.

Those people who need this information most are not going to bother attending nutritional courses and they probably wont look up articles about it. It might take years for them to get to a personal trainer or to consult a doctor how to manage their health issues - which might be deeply rooted in unhealthy eating habits. Maybe they already know these rules, just dont follow them, because when they are at a restaurant they are encouraged to choose the usual, the bigger, the sweeter - without any reminders of the possible consequences of their choice today. But they all go to a restaurant, pub or cafe and might make their unhealthy choices every day under the watch of business which are benefiting from them.

Well done to Gather&Gather for taking social responsibility.

Please comment if you come across other companies that implement such good practices.

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