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bathing in harmony


introduction to singing bowls workshop
with mindful yoga practice and a sound bath experience
sunday, 7th february 2016
@ the yoga rooms manchester

“A sound bath is an experience which sooths your senses with sound and vibrations. The harmony of sounds enhances your relaxation experience and takes meditation practice to the next level. “


*Do you enjoy sound baths and you would like to learn more about how they work?
*Have you always wanted to try playing a singing bowl but never had the chance?
*Do you own a singing bowl and you would like to get ideas on how to use it at home?
*Or are you just looking for a pleasant, interesting and relaxing afternoon with yoga & sound?


This workshop is ideal for those who would like to deepen their experience and knowledge of sound relaxation.


The workshop will consist of 2 sections:


Part 1: Introduction to Himalayan Singing bowls
Learn about the origin of singing bowls and their therapeutic effect. Play a singing bowl and try different sounding techniques. Deepen your experience with the help of interactive exercises.


Part 2: A Pampering Yoga & Sound Bath experience
Invite your awareness into this session with a short relaxation and a simple breathing exercise. Szilvia will guide you through some gentle yoga poses which will help you open your body and mind. This practice is designed to effortlessly ease you into a state of relaxation so that you can fully absorb the positive effects of the sound bath. Enjoy the relaxing, energising and harmonious vibrations of a gong, traditional Tibetan singing bowls, temple cymbals and chimes.


Suitable for all levels, no experience required.


When: Sunday, 7th February 2015, 2:00- 4:30 pm
Where: The Yoga Rooms Chorlton. 483a Barlow Moor Road, First Floor


How to book

The cost of this workshop is £35.

Booking is essential due to limited room capacity.


For more information or to book your place, please contact Szilvia Gardian on: 07902780511 / /

Want to know more before booking? Read Testimonials from participants and contact Szilvia Gardian with any enquiries.


contact info[at], 07902780511                                         © 2014 by Szilvia Gardian | yoga . pilates . sound | Manchester | Malta

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